
Light spectrum

-from small to large wavelengths

Durch light

Dermaporous light


-discovered with exodal wave tubes (Electrodynamics > ^083a02)

Ultraviolet light

Visible light

Infrared light

Short-wave light

Broad-wave light

-discovered by Lombardi

-in some languages known as Lombardi light

-vital part of Photonics > Photonic telegraphy

Photonic telegraphy

-in 1894, inventor Frédéric Antoine Lombardi, working on harmonic telegraphy, finds a spark gap produces a spark in nearby relay, allowing wireless transmissions

-over the next few years he tests it out, rules out that it's some faraway induction, and publishes his inventions in 1897 and talks about it being "aether waves" akin to exodal waves

-makes various experiments with help, measures speed and notices it's identical to light

-makes additional experiments, finds its reflection and refraction is a form to light

-and finds that it cannot be deflected with a magnet like exodal waves, but can be polarized like light

-and thus concludes that it is, in fact, light

-unbeknownst to him, Schrader came up with electrodynamic theory (Electrodynamics > ^adc7f8) that ensures this finding achieves widespread scientific recognition

-with telegraphy achieved Lombardi works on it

-after extending range to 500 metres, markets it to ships and the like

-expands the range further and further, but hits limit at 2 1/2 km

-in 1907, competitor Jean-Baptiste Kowalski able to extend limit through raising antenna and grounding both transmitter and receiver, is able to sell this better than Lombardi did his

-when he sees his bottom line go down, Lombardi concludes by selling invention to government of French Republic and benefits handsomely when French govt promptly gives itself a monopoly like it has on telegraphy

-photonic stations pop up in 1907-1915 for ships, communication across Atlantic

-American inventor gets idea to use it for audio, successfully broadcasts cricket match in St. Louis to Independence in 1911

-but not very workable, takes yet longer still to be a big thing

-w/ no World War I equiv, infrastructure for golden age of radio equiv not a thing yet

-in 1930s, growing widespread wirelesses, known often as "photes", pop up across the world with crystal photes being most common

-however, thermex valve photes achieve some sort of

-following French Wars > Sixth French War (1937-41), thermex valve tech becomes much more available, 1940s are very much golden age of the phote

-household use of phote only declines in 60s with rise of Photescopy

-with there having been a weird transition period of programs transmitted for both photes and scopes simultaneously

-this also results in quite a few programs having transferred from phote to scope

-there is a last phote craze with [nuvistor]making photes handheld and accessible in 1960s and 70s

-before finally crystal valves blow it out of the water

-save for fear of koric bombs resulting in military using thermex valves into the 80s

-nevertheless, photes are common in autos


-photonic location [radar] reduced to phote-location is principle that is observed rather early on

-sees usage in ships and adoption over 1920s

-research in it during French Wars > Sixth French War (1937-41), but nothing released till 1940, which makes bombing runs much worse

-and the dramatic improvement of using humboldtium [germanium]just not found (in OTL it was found serendipitously)

-instead discovered in 1960s, becomes important element of crystal valve (Analyzers > ^523202])